Modern Slavery Policy
Modern Slavery Act 2015
Grounded Research Statement
The aim of this statement is to demonstrate that we as a Ltd Company comply with Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. This will be achieved by clearly demonstrating that Grounded Research Ltd has conducted a thorough assessment of its practices, and those of its suppliers to ensure good practice is followed and all reasonable steps are taken to prevent slavery and human trafficking.
Grounded Research Ltd is a research agency, specialising in providing bespoke and innovative research solutions to clients from across the entirety of the food and agricultural supply chain. We cover both market research and researching market opportunities. Based in Cambridgeshire in The United Kingdom, we are a team of 7 employees, covering research in everything from sustainability and net zero challenges on farms and landscapes, through to how consumers buy and prepare their groceries. Our supply chain consists of suppliers of data, both generic and personal (fieldwork, panel providers), logistics, consultancy, food services and office supplies.
Grounded Research Ltd is committed to preventing slavery and human trafficking across the breath of its work and that of its suppliers. We do this by ensuring the highest levels of corporate governance in our operating procedures, with particular attention to our recruiting policy, our supply chain network and the authenticity of our panels. This commitment is emphasised in our employee training programs and company policies. Grounded Research Ltd aims to employ the highest ethical and professional standards throughout, and we ensure that we comply with all local laws and regulations which are applicable to our business, whilst also scrutinising the efficacy of our suppliers and the businesses we choose to work for.
At this time we assess that there is very low risk of slavery and human trafficking in our business, supply chains or indeed within the work of the clients we choose to collaborate with. The very nature of the research industry within which we operate, the suppliers we use, and the size of our business contribute to the low-risk grading. As a result, at present we have no key performance indicators in relation to slavery or human trafficking as any instance would be expected to be a breach of law, our supplier standards and/or our company policies. It is however company policy to annually assess our policies and make the necessary changes to our procedures if we deem this necessary, or if we identify a potential breach of the law.